Monday, May 27, 2019


In limba romana:

In domeniul protectiei mediului inconjurator
Militez activ online pentru protectia mediului inconjurator si pentru schimbarea mentalitatii umane, astfel printre altii I-am contactat pe BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA Presedintele USA, pe AL GORE-fost Vice Presedinte al U.S.A., pe Sir RICHARD BRANSON-Presedintele companiei internationale “VIRGIN” si pe Senatorul U.S.A. John Cornyn

Blogul de mai jos este un centralizator in care se recomanda vizitarea blogurilor referitoare la personalitatile indicate mai sus:

Dintre toate mesajele primite, in acestea de mai jos s-a apreciat in mod deosebit de la cel mai inalt nivel din administratia USA activitatea mea online in domeniile social-economic, al protectiei mediului inconjurator si al sanatatii:

I-am mai contactat si pe urmatorii:
-Mr.STAVROS DIMAS European Commissioner for Environment,
-Mr. Janez Potocnik European Commissioner for Science & Research,

iar referitor la cadrul strategic pentru schimbarea climei, pe:
-Mr.Roger Morier de la Banca Mondiala,
-Mr.Jeff Brez de la Banca Mondiala,
-Ms.Dorota Kowalska de la Banca Mondiala,
-Environmental Protection Agenty,

Am contactat Agentia Green Peace International, viziteaza:

Militant pentru pace
La data de 12 martie 2003, inainte de izbucnirea razboiului din Irak am scris Presedintelui USA, George W Bush, un mesaj in care imi exprimam dorinta ca USA sa asigure un climat de pace in lume si nu de razboi.
Am militat si militez activ pentru pace, cooperare si intelegere intre popoarele lumii, pentru conditii de munca si de trai mai bune
viziteaza pagina:

Vezi aici
centralizate pe blog majoritatea demersurilor pe care le-am facut pe plan extern, precum propuneri de proiecte si de reforme social-economice eficiente si activitatea mea pentru protejarea mediului inconjurator.
Am scris o multime de mesaje
de pace, pentru prietenie si cooperare intre popoare, pentru protejarea mediului inconjurator, adresate prin ambasadele respective tuturor sefilor de state din lume si multe alte mesaje expediate catre toti oamenii din lumea intreaga, vezi maniera in care m-am implicat aici in aceste pagini, deschide linkurile:

Contactele externe le poti vedea pe scurt si aici:

In english language:

In the field of environmental protection
I actively militate online for environmental protection and change of human mentality, so among other people I contacted BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA President of USA, AL GORE-former US Vice President, Sir RICHARD BRANSON - President of the international company "VIRGIN" and Senator USA John Cornyn;

The following blog is a centralizer that recommends visiting blogs about the personalities listed above:

Of all the received messages, the following has been particularly appreciated from the highest level in the US administration in online social, economic and environmental protection and health: / 2010/01/13 / messajge-from-door-president-barack-obama-to-Justinian-cioroianu /

I also contacted the following:
-Mr.STAVROS DIMAS European Commissioner for Environment,
-Mr. Janez Potocnik European Commissioner for Science & Research,
and on the strategic climate change framework, on:
-Mr.Roger Morier of the World Bank,
-Mr.Jeff Brez of the World Bank,
-Mrs. Dorota Kowalska from the World Bank,
-Environmental Protection Agents,

I contacted Bill Gates, see the address to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, visit the Blogs below
- page 1:
-page 2:

I contacted the Green Peace International Agency, visit:

Peaceful militant
On March 12, 2003, before the outbreak of the war in Iraq, I wrote to US President George W. Bush a message in which I expressed the wish that the US should ensure a climate of peace in the world and not of war. I have actively militated and militated for peace, cooperation and understanding among the peoples of the world, for better working and living conditions
visit the page:

See here
centralized on blogs, the most of my externally steps that effective social and economic proposals of projects and for reforms and my activity for the environmental protection.
I have written a lot of messages
of peace, friendship and cooperation
cooperation among peoples, for the environmental protection, to all the heads of the states from world, addressed through the embassies of the respective countries, and many other messages to all the people from all the world, see the manner in which I got involved here in this pages, open the links:

Ing. Justinian Ion Cioroianu

Prezentul articol face parte din blogul:
"EVADARE DIN MATRICE, Pasi spre Infinitul Absolut-Lumina Vie; de Justinian Cioroianu

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